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about me

a selfie of me, smiling slightly in a sunny room

Hello! I'm a front-end (mostly) web developer based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I also dabble in generative art, and I'm a web accessibility specialist certified by IAAP.

I value simplicity and clear patterns, and want to build things that people actually like to use. I'm excited about creating interactions that are both aesthetically pleasing & accessible. I love learning and I regularly jump into new technologies without knowing what I'm doing and figure it out as I go along.

I'm also a classically trained pianist; before I was a web developer I was performing and teaching piano lessons. I started teaching myself coding around 2018, and that eventually led to a full-on career change. Like so many 90s kids, I first taught myself HTML as a pre-teen so I could build websites on Geocities. I think that nerdy 90s kid inside of me is pretty happy about what I'm doing now!

While I don't teach for a living anymore, my teaching background manifests in my work as a developer. I think a lot about how to make the sites and interfaces I'm building easier to use, more intuitive... how to make them work for the people who are using them in ways that they're expecting. This is part of what led to my interest in web accessibility and broader user experience in general.

You can currently find me working with some awesome creatives & developers at Orrbitt.

things i use

  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • Node.js
  • Vue
  • React
  • Sass/SCSS
  • WordPress
  • p5.js